Who uses Shoptet Design System?
Shoptet Design System is for each and every member of a cross-functional team—designers, developers, marketers and offering managers. Every point along a user’s journey needs to feel part of a holistic, branded experience and that’s where Shoptet comes in.
Shoptet Design System provides designers with the tools to build experiences that are consistent, delightful, and thoughtful for our users. It saves valuable time that could be spent on bringing new solutions to market.
As well, Shoptet enables product and designers to explore and maximize the potential of their designs across the organization, using the work of other teams where possible to avoid redesigns and duplications, and staying focused on the different use cases of the product.
As a result of its modularity, the system is able to perform at maximum flexibility. The system's components are designed to work seamlessly together in any combination the user desires.
Shoptet Design System allows teams to build excellent experiences that differentiate Shoptet from the competition.
Products and experiences built with Shoptet DS provide an interoperability of experience and visuals across products. More complex multiproduct stories are easier to tell when product experiences are in lock step.
Product managers
Shoptet Design System accelerates team productivity and time to market. It improves business outcomes such as increased lifetime value, revenue, NPS, and decreased churn.
Multiproduct stories are easier to tell and sell when product experiences work together seamlessly. Suites of products built on the same foundation, that have the same interactions are a dream to demo.
Product experiences that are built on the same foundation and work together seamlessly to reduce cognitive load for users, thereby reducing user errors and questions, and significantly reducing the need for support. Consistent experiences also result in less need for extensive training and onboarding resources; learning can be leveraged across multiple spaces.